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Common Reasons for Breast Revision Surgery

Posted November 05, 2013 in Breast Augmentation, Breast Implants

Breast augmentation rarely has complications that require a revision surgery. However, it is important to know what the most common reasons for breast revision surgery are in order to be more aware during recovery. The better informed you are, the less likely you will experience any serious complications.

 An important fact to make note of is that breast implants are not meant to last a lifetime. This means that even if you never experience any complications after your initial surgery, you may still have to undergo a secondary procedure. This is perfectly normal and typically takes place several years after your breast enhancement procedure.

The following are some of the more common complications that can occur requiring breast revision surgery:

Capsular Contracture

This is usually identified when the breast feels hard and does not move naturally. In this case, the body is protecting itself from a foreign object by creating a capsule around it, and it should be removed as soon as possible. 

Double Bubble

When a breast implant shifts down into the breast crease (where the bottom of the breast meets the chest), this creates a double bubble appearance. It usually occurs as a result of the implant being too large for the patient or as a result of incorrect placement.

Rippling or Wrinkling

Rippling or wrinkling is typically seen along the sides of the breasts in patients who are thinner or patients who have very small breasts and thin skin. The breast implants may be too large for the patient, causing the visible rippling.

Rupture or Leakage

Rupture or leakage can occur at any time, whether it be a few days post-surgery or several years down the road. Age of the implant, over-handling during surgery, overfilling of the implant, and breast trauma are the most common causes of rupture or leakage.

Incorrect Sizing

Ending up with the incorrect breast implant size is rare, which is why you should speak with your plastic surgeon in detail regarding your expectations. Breast implants that are too large or too small would be replaced with a more appropriate and agreed upon size.